Oystercatcher Catching my Eye

Oystercatcher Catching my Eye
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Uploaded by Barbara Levy on Jan 29 2021 in Salt Spring Island

When we first felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic here on Salt Spring Island, I was so grateful to be living in a place surrounded by nature and so much wildlife. Soon, my refuge became the bay near our home where I could go and see so much bird life! One morning in late March, I strolled along the beach, marvelling at these swathes of blue sky reflected in the rippling water. It was heavenly! A pair of crows were calling back and forth while a tiny, bright yellow and black warbler combed the rocky shore for treats. And there were flocks of different ducks gliding by as the seagulls soared upwards to drop their clams. Then, suddenly, I heard the whistling notes of the oystercatcher mates, who swooped onto the islet where the crows and seagulls were feeding. I stood at a distance photographing this friendly pair for a quite some time as I love watching them. Finally, I thanked them and said I needed to head back home as my arm was getting tired. Just as I started to leave, the pair started whistling loudly and circled around me until they landed right in front of me, in perfect light. It was like a miracle! Well, I had to stay at least another half hour to catch this pair, who are so full of character —and who stayed so close. People started to arrive, but were very kind to stay at a distance while I crouched down near my oystercatcher friends. Wow! My heart was singing while I chatted to the mates! Finally, though, a couple had to pass by and so, the winged pair flew off. I am so grateful to have had this encounter and I love the way this bright-billed fellow seems to be smiling at me as he shows me his catch!

Tagged: beak bird animal waterfowl


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